1. Enter a company name in the Issuer Name field
2. Select the best match(es)
3. Repeat as necessary until you’ve selected all desired companies
4. Enter a date range in the Audit Year End or else in the Report Date field if so desired
5. Click on Search
1. Use any criteria you would like to include a group of companies. Commonly used criteria would be Industry , Exchanges , and Auditor , to name a few
2. Enter a date range in the Audit Year End or else in the Report Date field if so desired
3. Click on Search
1. Each result will have Audit Fees broken out into a dedicated column, as well as Audit Related Fees , Tax Fees , Other Fees , and Amalgamated Fees
a. Amalgamated Fees refer to fees that are not specified or itemized – if an issuer reports an amount for “Audit and Audit Related Fees” but does not break them out in more detail, the amount will be placed in the Amalgamated Fees column
2. Audit Note and Audit Note Type will house additional information to provide more context where applicable
Below is a list of the Audit Fee specific criteria and what they are used for
1. Audit Auditor – refers to the auditor at the time of the audit referenced, even if they are no longer the auditor of the company. In cases where the Auditor has changed since the audit was conducted, Audit Auditor will have a different value than Auditor , which houses the issuer’s last known auditor
2. Audit Fee – Audit fees paid to auditor
3. Related Fee – Audit related fees paid to auditor
4. Tax Fee – Tax fees paid to auditor
5. Other Fee – Other fees paid to auditor
6. Amalgamated Fee – an amount of fees paid that is arrived at by combining any of the above categories together and not itemizing them. This is dependent on each issuer’s reporting practice.
7. Report Date – date of the auditor’s report
8. Audit Year End – the issuer’s year end that corresponds to the fees reported
9. Audit Note – free text that provides more information about the nature of the audit or the issuer, as it relates to the audit
10. Audit Note Type – categories that organize the Audit Note criteria. For example, you can limit your search to only audits that reported Multiple Auditors for the year, or Multiple Year Ends , or Not North American Currency , etc.
11. Audit City – city in which audit was conducted, drawn from the Auditor’s Report
12. Audit Province – province or state in which audit was conducted, drawn from the Auditor’s Report
13. Audit Country – country in which audit was conducted, drawn from the Auditor’s Report
14. Currency – currency in which audit is reported
When you have clicked on a result and opened the Audit Fee Document Viewer, you can click on the name of the Issuer at the top, or else on the [profile] link beside its name in order to launch the Issuer Profile . This will allow you to view more information about the issuer without leaving your Audit Fees dataset or losing the results of your current search
1. You may choose to navigate to the Audit Fees subcategory on the company profile page
a. This will list all audit fees collected for that company, across all years it has been collected, for quick reference
2. You may choose to navigate to the Auditor Changes subcategory on the company profile page
a. This will list any changes the issuer has made in engaging auditors over all the years it has been collected, for quick reference
3. You may choose to navigate to the Securities Filings subcategory on the company profile page
a. This will list all publicly filed documents for that company, across all years it has been collected, for quick reference
4. See Enhanced Company Profiles to learn about what else can be seen there
1. To export the rows of your Audit Fee result set, click on the top checkbox on the left of your screen to select all or else click only on the results you want exported
2. Click on the ellipsis on the upper right of your screen
3. Choose Export
4. For more information on exporting data from the Audit Fees dataset, see Exporting Your Results Grid as a Spreadsheet