Avantis Auditor Changes gives you complete visibility into all auditor changes reported on SEDAR. We extract reported changes and place them into a grid format for easy viewing and downloading, and we make sure to include relevant notes such as change reason. See below to learn how to best use this dataset
1. Since auditor changes are a fairly rare occurrence, it often makes sense to run one report for all auditor changes reported over a given period of time
a. The amount of information returned is typically manageable
2. Add Change Date criteria (found under +Add criteria > Auditor Change) to your main search window if it is not already added
3. Select a date after which you’d like to see all reported auditor changes
4. Click on Search
5. Your results will be a grid of issuers who have changed auditors within that time frame, who their old auditors were, who became their new auditors, the change date, and the reason for the change
Below is a list of the Auditor Change specific criteria and what they are used for:
1. Change Date – the date or date range of the auditor changes being reported on
2. Change Note Type – categorizes the types of Change Reason Notes. In the common case where Change Reason Notes don’t carry any special conditions or reasons, this will default to the value “Reported In”, meaning the record will contain a link to the document in which the change is disclosed
3. Change Reason – the reason cited for the change in auditor. This can range from “At Client’s Request”, to “Auditor’s Resignation”, to anything in between
4. Change Reason Note – if there was any special condition or reason to add a note about the reason for the change, it would appear here
5. Former Auditor – the client’s auditor prior to the reported change in auditor (which auditor the client used to be with)
6. Successor Auditor – the client’s auditor after the reported change in auditor (which auditor the client engaged after the change)