Bulk sharing saved searches with other members

Bulk sharing saved searches with other members

Video: Bulk Sharing Searches With Other Members

Bulk edit share settings -  Simplified instructions

  1. Multiple values  - Any value that is set to  multiple  indicates that, for the sub-set of saved searches selected for bulk edit, this setting is not consistent across all of them.  This inconsistency can mean:
    1. Some searches in your bulk edit (editing of multiple saved searches and alerts) have this setting turned on and some have this setting turned off (where applicable - checkboxes, toggles, optional drop down menus and optional text fields, which can be left blank)
    2. Some searches in your bulk edit (editing of multiple saved searches and alerts) have a different value selected in this field than some other searches in your bulk edit (where applicable - drop down menus and text fields)
    3. When  multiple  appears next to any member's  Name  it indicates that that member is already shared on some of the searches included in the bulk edit, and is not shared on other searches included in the bulk edit
      1. Clicking on the  + sign  (#6 above - add members to all searches) beside their name, or else checking off several names and clicking on the global  + sign  (#3 above - add members to all searches) will add selected members to all searches included in the bulk edit and, therefore, remove the  multiple  designation beside their name
      2. Clicking on the  x sign  (#8 above - remove members from all searches) beside their name, or else checking off several names and clicking on the global  x sign  (#5 above - remove members from all searches) will remove selected members from all searches included in the bulk edit and, therefore, remove the  multiple  designation beside their name
  2. Overwriting values  - Changing any value or setting in any field, toggle, or checkbox that is labeled  multiple  will overwrite all individual settings on all underlying searches simultaneously and make them all consistent with this new value or setting as soon as you click on  Save 
  3. Retaining values   - if you want to retain different values or settings for any field, toggle, or checkbox affecting the different searches included in a bulk edit, leave these values set to  multiple  and they will retain their individual settings on a per search basis
  4. Saving and discarding changes  - If you do not click  Save , you are not making any permanent changes, so any mistakes or errors can be discarded by clicking o  Cancel  instead of  Save
  5. Clear vs Cancel  - All settings can be removed at once by clicking on  Clear .  If  Clear  is clicked by accident, then click on  Cancel  to discard all accidental changes

Bulk edit share settings -  Comprehensive instructions

  1. Saved Searches  -  multiple  - this indicates you are bulk editing since there are multiple searches being edited at once (if it has a search name here you are not bulk editing multiple searches but are only editing one search)
  2. Owner  - you must be the owner on all the searches you are sharing - you cannot share a search on which you are not the owner
  3. Global add member(s) to all searches  - this adds all selected members to all saved searches being edited
  4. Global alert editing  - edits alerts for all searches selected for all selected members at the same time
    1. If this bell is a double bell it means there are different alert settings set for this member on different searches among the saved searches being edited
    2. If this bell is a hollow grey bell it means there are no alert settings for this member on any of the saved searches being edited
    3. If this bell is a solid green bell it means there are identical alert settings for this member on all searches being edited
    4. If this bell is a red bell with a line through it it means this individual member is deactivated on all saved searches being edited - that is, there are alert settings for each search, but they are all deactivated and would need to be activated again in order to take effect
  5. Global share remove  - remove selected members from all shared searches being edited at the same time
  6. Individual add member to all searches  - this adds the individual member in question to all saved searches being edited
  7. Individual alert editing  - edits alert settings for individual member in question on all saved searches being edited 
  8. Individual share remove  - remove individual member in question from share on all saved searches being edited
  9. Missing individual add member to all searches  - if this button is missing, it indicates that the individual member in question is already shared on all saved searches being edited and cannot, therefore, be added
  10. Member name  -  multiple  - indicates that this member is shared on some of the searches being edited and not shared on other
  11. Member name  - (does not say  multiple ) - indicates this member is shared on all searches being edited so there is no multiple value here
  12. Share Role  - viewer - (does not say  multiple ) - this member is set as a viewer on all searches they are included on among the searches being edited 
    1. They may not be shared on all searches being edited, but for the searches on which they are shared, they are a viewer on all of them
    2. a viewer may view a search and receive results from it but they can't modify it or share it with others
  13. Share Role  -  multiple  - this member has different share roles on the different searches on which they are shared among the searches being edited
    1. They may not be shared on all searches being edited, but for the searches on which they are shared, they are a viewer on all of them
  14. Suppress share email notification  - (does not say  multiple ) - each member added or removed from a search will receive an email notification that they've been added or removed for EACH of the searches they are added or removed on.  To prevent these emails going out, check this box
  15. Clear  - this clears all values on this page so everything is set back to default (no) settings
    1. This becomes permanent once you click on Save
    2. If you click Clear by mistake, click on Cancel next to discard changes
  16. Cancel  - If you make any selection you want to back out of or undo, click on Cancel and no selections on this screen will be saved
  17. Save  - Makes your changes permanent
    1. If you make any selections you do not want to be permanent, do not click save - instead, click Cancel

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