Downloading documents in MS Word or MS Excel format

Downloading documents in MS Word or MS Excel format

Avantis gives you the ability to download documents (typically, under 500 pages in length) as MS Word documents, complete with formatting and including tables.  You may also extract the tables from filings and download them as MS Excel files

Video: Download to MS Word and Excel

  1. The document may download in the background, depending on size, and may take up to 90 seconds to fully download, also depending on the size of the document.  
  2. Once the document is finished downloading, it will produce a status message advising it is completed downloading.  
  3. The documents will download to whatever folder you have selected as the download folder in your internet browser settings

To download documents as Word documents

  1. Either click on the Word icon on the far right of any line item in your result grid or else open the document and click on the Word icon in the upper right margin of the document

To extract document tables as Excel documents

  1. Either click on the Excel icon on the far right of any line item in your result grid or else open the document and click on the Excel icon in the upper right margin of the document
  2. Avantis will extract the tables from the document and render each table as a separate tab in an Excel document

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