Viewing enhanced issuer profile

Viewing enhanced issuer profile

Issuer Profiles allow you to get more information about a company immediately, or even run additional searches against their documents, without leaving your current result set.  You may access the enhanced company profile of any company that is included in your result set.  The company profile may include: 

1.     SEDAR profile

2.     Additional company profile

3.     Securities filings – a searchable dataset*

4.     Financials

5.     Key Ratios

6.     News Releases – a searchable dataset*

7.     Insider Transaction – a searchable dataset*

8.     Earnings

9.     Dividends

10.  Corporate Events

11.  Analyst Coverage

12.  Detailed Quote

13.  Price History (with daily VWAP)

14.  Advanced Chart

Below are step by step instructions to get you started with Company Profiles.

Video: Avantis workflow with Enhanced Issuer Profiles

To view an issuer’s profile

1.     Click into any filing from an issuer in your result list whose profile you’d like to see

2.     Click on the issuer’s name in the document viewer (see screenshot above)

3.     The company profile will launch in the document viewer

4.     Navigate to any component of the enhanced issuer profile (see screenshot above)

5.     All Issuer Profile data is from either SEDAR, SEDI, SEC, or else Quote Media

6.     All data is either savable to PDF, printable, or exportable

To run a search in an issuer’s profile

1.     Click into either Securities Filings, News, or Insider Transactions – these are the three fully searchable datasets

a.     This means these 3 datasets have the full complement of documents that you would find if you had loaded them in the left pane to conduct research in them

b.     Securities Filings and News allow you to run full text searches, filter against all columns at once, filter against one column at a time, sort, and many other features available in the left pane when selecting this dataset

                                                    i.     After searching in these databases, items can be clicked into for viewing as they normally are, with search terms highlighted as they normally are

                                                   ii.     When you are finished viewing results of your search, simply click the x in the upper right corner to return to the company profile

                                                 iii.     Click the x in the upper right corner a second time to exit the company profile and return to the underlying document you were viewing before you had clicked into it

c.      Insider Transactions allows you to filter against all columns at once, filter against one column at a time, sort, and many other features available in the left pane when selecting this dataset

                                                    i.     After searching in this database, items can be clicked into for viewing as they normally are

                                                   ii.     When you are finished viewing results of your search, simply click the x in the upper right corner to return to the company profile

                                                 iii.     Click the x in the upper right corner a second time to exit the company profile and return to the underlying document you were viewing before you had clicked into it

Retaining search terms and filters in Issuer Profile

1.     The Securities FilingsNews, and Insider Transactions sections of your issuer profile allow you to search the full text (see above) and filter results 

a.     As you load new results by clicking on new documents in the left pane result list, your new results will automatically navigate to the same section of the issuer profile you were last in (Securities FilingsNews, and Insider Transactions in this case) with the same filters and search terms pre-loaded 

b.    When you run a new search in any dataset, and navigate to the issuer profile and to the same section you last had filters or search terms loaded (Securities FilingsNews, and Insider Transactions in this case), your results in this issuer profile section will retain the search terms and filters you last had loaded in that same section of the issuer profile 

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