1. Click on the row grouping icon in the upper right of your result grid as per the screenshot above
2. An area will appear above your column headers labeled “ Drag here to set row groups”
3. You may now drag any column header to this area and it will group your all the rows of your result list into groups based on the different values in that particular column
a. It will also give you a count for each group indicating how many results fall into each group, or each value contained in that column by which you chose to group
4. You may then drag a second column header to the same area, and place it right after the first one
a. It will now sub-group your results in any one group into subgroups based on the values in the second column
5. You may swap the order of the two column headers in the row grouping area (by dragging the first one to after the second one)
a. This will invert your grouping order so that your results are now grouped by the values in the second column primarily, and then sub-grouped by the values in the first column after
6. You may drag more column headers to sub-group by the values in those columns as well