Run searches from your search history

Run searches from your search history

Avantis keeps your last 20 searches saved at your fingertips for easy recall.  Below are step by step instructions and a video to get you started.

Video: How to Access Your Search History

To access search history in the search panel

1.     Start by clicking on History on the right side of your full text search box

2.     You will see the last 20 searches you’ve run

3.     You’ll see the full text language as well as a list of criteria employed for each search with a number in brackets

a.     This number counts the amounts of values selected in each search criteria at the time the search was run

b.     By looking at the amounts of criteria values selected you can differentiate between similar searches that were run as you worked through various iterations of your search

4.     Click on any item in your history to populate the search panel according to its contents

5.     Make any changes to it if necessary

6.     Click on Search to run your search

To access search history in the document viewer

1.     Start by ensuring you are in the full text viewer and viewing a document

2.     Click on History on the right side of your full text search box in your document viewer

3.     You will see the full text component of the last 20 searches you’ve run

4.     Click on any item in your history to search this language against the currently loaded document

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