How to create and use result folders

How to create and use result folders

Avantis allows you to create document folders, which are folders that contain a documents extracted from your search results (Filings, News releases, Insider Trades).   This is a great way to put results aside for inspection, future download, or further refined searching.        
Document folders can be added to appropriate searches (searches of the same kind - filings folders for filings searches, news folders for news searches, etc.) to limit search results to to subsets of document you've identified and stored in them.   This is a powerful way to conduct “searches within searches” by putting aside the results of a search into a folder and then searching that folder for further criteria or search terms.

In the below writeup we will use a Filing Folder as an example but the exact same steps apply to a News Folder or an Insider Transactions Folder.

Video: Searching Filing Folder

How to add documents to (or remove them from) a filing folder

There are 2 methods of populating Filing Folders 

       Method #1 - adding or removing documents using the Select Folder window

The Select Folders window is helpful when you want to see all your folders at once, decide which folder(s) to add to or remove from, or else whenever you will be working with different folders and don’t want any one of them added to your active folder since they will be changing on a per search basis.  This is the most common way to add to folders.
  1. Go to the Filing dataset in your dataset selector (the same steps would apply to a News or Insider Transactions search but we are using Filings as the most common example)
  2. Run a search to get a set of filing results in your results grid
    1. You can search by issuer name or else use any mix of criteria (industry, exchange, market cap, province, etc.) to accomplish this
  3. Select the filings you want to add to your folder(s) using the checkboxes on the left
  4. Click on the blue “Select Folder” link at the top right side of your result grid to open your Select Folder window
  5. Select the folder (or several folders if you will be adding or removing the same results from multiple folders at the same time) you want to add or remove from and click Add to folder or else Remove from folder at the bottom right
  6. If you want to create a new folder to add results to, type in the name you wish to call it, let it search and fail to find it, then click on "Create new" beside the name you typed
  7. Your folder items count will update to reflect the total amount of items currently in that folder, including what you just added or removed
    1. There is no harm in trying to remove items from folders that don’t actually include them.   In these cases, we will pop up a warning that the items in question were not in some or all of those folders, but it will always remove from any folders in which the item did actually appear
    2. This is a good way to remove a filing from any and all folders they are in, should you ever need to do this

       Method #2 – adding or removing documents using an "active folder"

Active folders are most useful when you’ll be doing several searches, one after the other, that you will use to retrieve and add results to the same folder(s).   If you will be focusing on populating or depopulating the same folder or group of folders for an extended period of time (more than one search), it makes sense to set it as an active folder so that you can quickly add to it by simply clicking the plus sign beside its name as described below.  You can set one folder as your active folder or else select a number of different folders to all be active so that you can add or remove from all of them at one time.
  1. Go to the Filings dataset in your dataset selector            
  2. Run a search to get a result set of filings in your results grid
    1.  You can search by issuer name or else use any mix of criteria (industry, exchange, market cap, province, etc.) to accomplish this
  3. Click on the blue “Select folders” link at the top right side of your result grid to open your Select Folder window
  4.  Select the folder (or several folders if you will be adding or removing the same results from multiple folders at the same time) you want to add or remove from and click Select at the bottom right
  5.  If you want to create a folder to add as your selected folder, type in the name you wish to call it, let it search and fail to find it, then click on "Create new" beside the name you typed
  6. The Select Folder window will close, and the “Select Folder” link on the upper right of your result folder will now be the name of the folder you selected (if you selected multiple folders to work with simultaneously, it will say “multiple folders”)
  7. You can now select any results from your search (using the checkbox) and simply click on the plus sign beside the “Select Folder” link on the upper right to add them to the folder(s) you have selected as your active folder. For each subsequent search you run, you can simply click on this plus sign to add selected results.
  8.  You can also click on the minus sign to remove these results from any folders that had them
    1. There is no harm in trying to remove items from folders that don’t have them included.   In these cases, we will pop up a warning that the items in question were not in some or all of those folders, but it will always remove from any folders in which the item appears
    2.  This is a good way to remove a filing (or group of filings) from any and all folders they are in, in one go, should you need to do this

Renaming a folder

  1. Click on “Select folders” on the upper right-hand side of your result grid
  2. Locate the folder you’d like to rename
  3. Click on the pencil beside its name to edit
  4. Rename it in the “Folder name” field


Deleting a folder

  1. Method 1 – from the “Select Folders” window
    1. One method is to click on the “Select folders” link on the upper right-hand side of your result grid
    2. In the Select folder window, click on the trash can beside any folder name to delete it
  2.  Method 2 – from the “Edit Folder” window
    1. The other method is to click on the “Select folders” link on the upper right-hand side of your result grid
    2. Click on the pencil beside any folder you want to delete to open its “Edit Folder” screen
    3. Click on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the “Edit Folder” screen


Searching using a document folder

  1. First ensure the document folder you want to search against already exists.   If not, then create it using the above steps
  2. You must stay in the same dataset as your folder was created in in order to search it (you can only search your filings folder in the Filings dataset, and the same goes for News and Insider Transactions)
  3. Click “Filing Folders” (or “News Folders” or “Transaction Folders” – depending on which dataset you’re in) beside the “+ Add criteria” button
  4. Add whichever folder(s) you’d like to search against
  5. Add any other criteria you’d like to define your search
  6. Avantis will only get you results from among the filings you have included in your folder
    1. This is a great way to run a “search within a search” for further refinement



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