List of SEDAR criteria

List of SEDAR criteria

* Please see the downloadable PDF version of this table below

Criteria Name


Acceptance DatenyThe date the document was processed by DDS
Acceptance Timeny*The time the document was processed by DDS
*included in Acceptance Time results column
Accession NumberyyA unique document index number assigned by the DDS system
AuditoryyThe Issuer's Auditor
CitynyIssuer's City, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Contact NameyyName of contact listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile
CountryyyIssuer's Country, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
CUSIPyyLatest CUSIP number
CustodiannyName of Mutual Fund Group Custodian
DistributornyName of Mutual Fund Group Distributor
EmailnyEmail address of company contact on Issuer's SEDAR profile
ExchangeyyExchanges issuer trades on
Fax NumberyyFax number listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Filing CategoryyyA hierarchical list of document categories and subcategories with the lowest node being the document description
Filing DateyyDate that the filing was originally made (yyyymmdd)
Filing DescriptionyyThe description of the document type
Filing LanguageyyIndicates whether document is in English or French
Filing TypeyyA numeric field that identifies an index number used in the SEDAR system with that of the document’s category of filing
Financial Period Date RelatesyyThe mandatory Financial Period Date Relates to
Financial Period Ended DateyyThe mandatory financial Period Ended date (yyyymmdd)
Formation DateyyDate when company was formed
Formation TypeyyManner of Formation
Fund TypeyyType of Mutual Fund
Group NameyyMutual Fund Group Name
Group NumberyyMutual Fund Group Number
HitsnyThe number of times your search term appears in your result documents
Industry [NAICS]yyIssuer's NAICS Industry Classification
Industry [SEDAR]yyThe SEDAR Industry Classification of the Issuer
Issuer NameyyName of the issuer according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Issuer NumberyySEDAR system Issuer Number
Issuer TypeyyType of filer, eg. - Public company, Investment Funds, etc.,
Jurisdiction FormedyyJurisdiction under which Issuer was formed
Last Filing DatenyDate of issuer's latest SEDAR filing
ManagernyName of Mutual Fund Group Manager
Market CapyyIssuer's Market Cap
OTC IssuernnIndicates if the company is an OTC Filer or not
Phone ExtensionyyPhone extension according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Phone NumberyyPhone number listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Postal CodeyyIssuer's postal code according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
ProvinceyyIssuer's Province, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Public DateyyThe date the document was processed by DDS (yyyymmdd)
RanknyThe rating (1 is highest) of how well a document matches your search, based on number of search terms, proximity (clusters) of search terms, filing date, and other criteria
Recipient ProvincesyyA list of the recipient provinces to which the submission was ‘sent’
RegulatoryyIssuer's Principal Regulator
Report JurisdictionyyAll Canadian jurisdictions in which Issuer reports
RRSP EligibilityyyRRSP Eligibility (Yes or No)
SEC IssueryyIndicates an issuer that is also an SEC Filer
Security TypeyySecurity Type being offered (e.g. Common, Subordinate)
Short Form Prospectus IssueryyPrompt Offering Prospectus issuer (Yes or No)
Size of IssueryyThe size of the issuer as measured by Total Assets
Stock SymbolyyStock (Ticker) Symbol
StreetyyStreet address according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile
Transfer AgentyyIssuer's Transfer Agent
TranslatedyyA "yes" in this field indicates a document that is also filed in Canada's other official language (English and French)
TrusteenyIssuer's Trustee
Year EndyyFinancial Year End (mmdd)

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