Criteria Name
| Available in Search | Available in Results | Description
Acceptance Date | n | y | The date the document was processed by DDS |
Acceptance Time | n | y* | The time the document was processed by DDS *included in Acceptance Time results column |
Accession Number | y | y | A unique document index number assigned by the DDS system |
Auditor | y | y | The Issuer's Auditor |
City | n | y | Issuer's City, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Contact Name | y | y | Name of contact listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Country | y | y | Issuer's Country, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
CUSIP | y | y | Latest CUSIP number |
Custodian | n | y | Name of Mutual Fund Group Custodian |
Distributor | n | y | Name of Mutual Fund Group Distributor |
Email | n | y | Email address of company contact on Issuer's SEDAR profile |
Exchange | y | y | Exchanges issuer trades on |
Fax Number | y | y | Fax number listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Filing Category | y | y | A hierarchical list of document categories and subcategories with the lowest node being the document description |
Filing Date | y | y | Date that the filing was originally made (yyyymmdd) |
Filing Description | y | y | The description of the document type |
Filing Language | y | y | Indicates whether document is in English or French |
Filing Type | y | y | A numeric field that identifies an index number used in the SEDAR system with that of the document’s category of filing |
Financial Period Date Relates | y | y | The mandatory Financial Period Date Relates to |
Financial Period Ended Date | y | y | The mandatory financial Period Ended date (yyyymmdd) |
Formation Date | y | y | Date when company was formed |
Formation Type | y | y | Manner of Formation |
Fund Type | y | y | Type of Mutual Fund |
Group Name | y | y | Mutual Fund Group Name |
Group Number | y | y | Mutual Fund Group Number |
Hits | n | y | The number of times your search term appears in your result documents |
Industry [NAICS] | y | y | Issuer's NAICS Industry Classification |
Industry [SEDAR] | y | y | The SEDAR Industry Classification of the Issuer |
Issuer Name | y | y | Name of the issuer according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Issuer Number | y | y | SEDAR system Issuer Number |
Issuer Type | y | y | Type of filer, eg. - Public company, Investment Funds, etc., |
Jurisdiction Formed | y | y | Jurisdiction under which Issuer was formed |
Last Filing Date | n | y | Date of issuer's latest SEDAR filing |
Manager | n | y | Name of Mutual Fund Group Manager |
Market Cap | y | y | Issuer's Market Cap |
OTC Issuer | n | n | Indicates if the company is an OTC Filer or not |
Phone Extension | y | y | Phone extension according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Phone Number | y | y | Phone number listed on Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Postal Code | y | y | Issuer's postal code according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Province | y | y | Issuer's Province, according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Public Date | y | y | The date the document was processed by DDS (yyyymmdd) |
Rank | n | y | The rating (1 is highest) of how well a document matches your search, based on number of search terms, proximity (clusters) of search terms, filing date, and other criteria |
Recipient Provinces | y | y | A list of the recipient provinces to which the submission was ‘sent’ |
Regulator | y | y | Issuer's Principal Regulator |
Report Jurisdiction | y | y | All Canadian jurisdictions in which Issuer reports |
RRSP Eligibility | y | y | RRSP Eligibility (Yes or No) |
SEC Issuer | y | y | Indicates an issuer that is also an SEC Filer |
Security Type | y | y | Security Type being offered (e.g. Common, Subordinate) |
Short Form Prospectus Issuer | y | y | Prompt Offering Prospectus issuer (Yes or No) |
Size of Issuer | y | y | The size of the issuer as measured by Total Assets |
Stock Symbol | y | y | Stock (Ticker) Symbol |
Street | y | y | Street address according to Issuer's SEDAR Profile |
Transfer Agent | y | y | Issuer's Transfer Agent |
Translated | y | y | A "yes" in this field indicates a document that is also filed in Canada's other official language (English and French) |
Trustee | n | y | Issuer's Trustee |
Year End | y | y | Financial Year End (mmdd) |