Managing saved searches and alerts in the saved searches module
Avantis allows you one central view of all your saved searches, regardless of which dataset they were run in (SEDAR filings, SEC news, etc.) and regardless of whether or not they were set up on alerts or not. All of your saved searches and all of your alerts are all visible in this view for easy editing. You can use filters to filter to only searches that satisfy various conditions, and you can bulk edit (mass edit, batch edit - make the same changes to multiple searches at a time) alert settings on your own searches.
Video: Managing Saved Searches and Alerts in the Saved Searches Module
To run a saved search
Click on the magnifying glass on the far right of the row containing the search in question
To delete a search
Click on the trash icon on the far right of the row containing the search in question
To edit or stop an alert but retain the search underlying it
Click on the alert (alarm) icon on the far right of the row containing the search in question in order to launch the Alerts Setting dialogue and either:
Change the Email notification schedule (while keeping the alert working) by adjusting the "Email frequency" selection
Stop the Email notification altogether by turning it off with the switch
Note: this does NOT stop the alert results from collecting in your alerts module but it will stop them from being emailed to you as well
Disable the alert altogether (so that there is no alert at all anymore)
Note: this stops the alert from running altogether and therefore results will no longer be collected in the alerts module, nor will they be emailed to you
To add an alert to a search
Click on the alert (alarm bell) icon on the far right of the row containing the search in question in order to launch the Alerts Setting dialogue
Turn on "Enable alert" using the switch beside it
Note: this will add an alert to your search but it will not email out results of your alert to you until you complete the next step below
Enable Email notifications using the switch beside it, if so desired
Note: this will set your alert to not only collect results in the Alerts module but to also email them to you based on the schedule you set
To share a search or an alert with other members
Click on the share (two people) icon on the far right of the row containing the search in question in order to launch the Share Setting dialogue
Click into Select members to add
Either type the name of a member or choose from among the list
Keep selecting until you've selected all users you would like to add to the search
Decide if the change their Share Role from Viewer to Editor
Decide if to set an alert for them
If you are adding an alert for them click on the alert (alarm bell) icon beside their name
Bulk sharing searches with other members
Select a number of searches you'd like to share by clicking the checkboxes to the left of them in your Saved Searches grid
Click on the Global Share icon (two people above your result grid, not to the right of any one particular search)
You will see some members have the word "Multiple" or a "Multiple Alert Statuses" icon beside their name in this display
This indicates that there is more than one value in that field for that member
The reason a field may have more than one value for one member is because they may have different roles or alert statuses on different searches you've grouped together in your planned bulk share
To see the status of each member as it relates to each particular search, click one search at a time instead of a bulk edit, which may, by its very nature, contain different values in any given field
Any change you make will overwrite any existing settings
Add members you'd like to share with by clicking on "Select members to add" and clicking on the names of members
You can also remove members from the share on all of the selected searches by clicking on the x at the rightmost end of the row containing their names
At this point, you may choose to set alerts for some or for all members who are shared on a search - see
Bulk alert setting for other members on searches you own
Bulk editing your own alerts
To bulk edit (mass edit, batch edit) your own own alerts:
Use the checkboxes to select the saved searches on which you'd like to edit (add, change, or remove) the alert settings
Ensure these saved searches do not contain any issuer searches, which cannot be set on alerts and will produce an error if attempted
Click on the bulk alert icon (bell) above your search list, beside the column chooser
Make your selections
These selections will apply to all the searches you chose in step 1
Bulk editing alert settings for other members on searches you own
To bulk edit alert settings for other members on searches you own, you must first share the search with those members - see
Bulk sharing searches with other members
Select the searches you want to bulk edit other members' alerts on by clicking the checkboxes on the left of them
You must be the owner on all of these searches - you cannot bulk edit alert settings on searches on which you are not an owner
When you have selected the searches you'd like to bulk edit alert settings for other members on, click on the
Global Share icon
(two people) on the upper right, above the result grid, not at the end of any row in the grid
Once you have the
Share Settings Window
open, you will see everyone who is, or who will be shared on a search or set of searches you selected
To bulk edit their alert settings, click the checkboxes beside the names of the individuals you want to edit
Click on the global
Alert Icon
(alarm bell) above the list of members, not to the right of any row in the list of users
Enable the alert and set the send notifications schedule for all users en masse
If you would like to receive the same alert(s) on the same schedule(s) as you are setting for these members, click the "
Apply to my alert settings
" box
IMPORTANT: decide if you want to suppress the notification email each user will receive that each search is now shared with them - if so, click on the "
Suppress email notification
" checkbox
If you shared 10 searches with a user, they will receive 10 emails that these searches are shared with them - if you don't want this then check the "
Suppress email notification
" box
for your changes to take effect
Bulk editing alert settings for other members on searches you do not own
This will be a feature available to Search Admins only and will not be possible for the regular member. Coming soon!
Filtering your view
Video: Filtering your View in the Saved Searches Module
The saved search module has helpful 4 filters that allow you to limit the results you see in your display:
Filters view to see only searches that involve selected member(s) as either editor(s) or recipient(s)
Note: almost all filtering will require you to start with the members filer as a necessary step
If you fail to use this filter, the results shown will include searches where ANY recipient fulfills the conditions set by any other filters
eg - to see only searches where you are the editor, you must first select your own name under
or else your
filter will filter to searches where ANY member is an editor
Filters view to see only searches that involve member(s) selected in the
filter as either editor(s) or viewer(s)
Note: To filter to view your own searches where you are either editor or viewer, first select your own name in the
Alert Enabled
Filters view to see only searches that have alerts set on them for member(s) selected in the
Note: To filter to view your own alerts, first select your own name in the
Email Notification Enabled
Filters view to see only alerts that have email notifications set on them for member(s) selected in the
Note: To filter to view your own alerts, first select your own name in the
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