TROUBLESHOOTING: Missing Documents In My 1000+ Results

TROUBLESHOOTING: Missing Documents In My 1000+ Results

If your search results are missing known documents, it may because you've hit your maximum number of results (results cap) and are not seeing all relevant results for your search.  If you've hit your cap, the best practice is to add more stringent criteria to your search in order to limit your results set to less than your maximum amount of results.  This will ensure that you are seeing all relevant results for your query instead of only the best matches.

VIDEO:  Missing Documents in 1000+ Results (NOTE: please use "Filing Date" instead of "Public Date")

To ensure you are receiving all relevant results

  1. Your number of results cannot have a "+" sign beside it (see screenshot above) 
    1. A "+" sign indicates that there are additional relevant results not included in your result set
  2. Use any combination of criteria to limit your result to less than 1000 or less than your maximum number of search results
    1. A good candidate to use as limiting criteria is the ~Filing Date~ criteria
    2. Use a shorter date range to get less results - as soon as your results dip under your maximum allowable number of results, the "+" sign will disappear from beside the number of results, and this indicates you are seeing ALL relevant results and nothing is missing (please see the above video for a walk through)

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