Public Date vs Filing Date

Public Date vs Filing Date

Avantis allows you to search SEDAR filings using two different dating conventions, which makes tracking down filings more powerful and precise than on any similar search platform.  SEDAR documents bear a “Submitted Date” on and Avantis makes it easy to use our ~Filing Date~ criteria to search according to this SEDAR "Submitted Date", or else to search using our more accurate ~Public Date~ criteria.

Filing Date

  1. In SEDAR filings, this criteria matches the “Submitted Date” stamp.  In SEC, it matches the EDGAR Filing Date
  2. Use this date to match the official date stamped on filings on either SEDAR or SEC websites
  3. If you don't see the ~Filing Date~ criteria, click on ~Add Criteria~ and select it

Public Date

  1. In SEDAR filings, this criteria matches the date that the document in question was made available to the general public, even if that date isn’t technically the same as the less accurate SEDAR “Submitted Date” stamp.
  2. This is useful for finding documents that you know went public on a date more recent than the “Submitted Date” stamp on reflects
  3. If you don't see the ~Public Date~ criteria, click on ~Add Criteria~ and select it
  4. The Public Date criteria does not apply to SEC filings and cannot be used to search that collection

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