Creating Issuer Lists

Creating Issuer Lists

Avantis allows you to create issuer lists that can be used as filters in future searches to limit results to documents filed or published only by the issuers contained in a given list or group of lists.  These same lists can also be exported to Excel to use outside the Avantis environment in the firm.

Video: Creating Issuer Lists

Locating Issuer Lists 

Issuer Lists are in the third position in every dataset except "Issuers" where they are in the second position.  They are a pinned list type, meaning issuer lists cannot be removed from your displayed criteria.

To Create an Issuer List

To create an issuer list from the Issuers dataset:
  1. Go to Issuers
  2. Search for Issuers by any combination of criteria that applies to the subset of issuers you are interested in
  3. In your results, either select all, (if you want to add all issuers to a list) or else select only the issuers that you do want to add to your issuer list
  4. Click on "Add to lists" in the upper right hand corner (see the first screenshot above)
  5. Type in the name of the new list you'd like to create (see the second screenshot above)
  6. Click "Create"
  7. Select the list you just created, using the checkbox
  8. Click "Add to list"
  9. You may now search against that issuer list (see Use Issuer lists in searches of any dataset for more)

Making Issuer Lists from results in datasets other than Issuers

Issuer Lists are created from search results - you must search for issuers, and select which of them you want to add from your result set. 

The best way to create an issuer list is from the Issuer dataset.  Although issuer lists can be created from other datasets, this is not the preferred way to create them. 
  1. If you create an issuer list from the Issuers dataset, each issuer that fits into your criteria selection will be available for adding, but the same is not necessarily true of Issuer Lists created from different dataset searches like Securities Filings. 
    1. That is to say, if you search for 100 issuers by name in Issuers, they will all be available for adding to your issuer list.  If you search for all the gold companies in Issuers, they will all be available to add to your list. 
  2. Whereas, if you create your issuer list from Securities Filings, for example, and you name 100 issuers and search, your filings search result will not necessarily contain documents from all 100 issuers (if some of the issuers searched for haven't filed documents recently, they will not be contained in the result set) so not all 100 are guaranteed to be available for adding. 
  3. Likewise, if you search for all gold companies in Securities Filings, you'll get a set of documents filed by gold companies but, again, some gold companies may not have filed any documents recently and will be absent from your Filings result. 
    1. Since you can only add issuers from your results, the only way to ensure you're adding all the issuers you've searched for is by adding from the Issuers dataset.
  4. If you are interested in the on-the-fly convenience of adding issuers to a list from other dataset results (like Securities Filings, for example), and understand the issuers added will be limited to issuers contained in your result set (not in your query), please see Extract issuer lists from document search results.

Selecting an Issuer List as your active list for easy adding

If you will be adding to the same issuer list over the course of numerous searches, that is, if you're running several searches and adding some or all of the results of each successive search to the same issuer list, you may want to select a list for easy adding:
  1. Go to Issuers
  2. Prior to selecting any items to add, click on "Add to Lists" on the upper right (see first screenshot above) 
  3. Select the list you intend to begin adding to
  4. Click "Select"
  5. You will see that "Add to lists" on the upper right is now replaced with the name of the list you selected - this is your selected list
  6. Now, you can run any searches, select any results, and add to this list simply by clicking on the plus sign beside your list name
  7. You can also remove issuers from your list by clicking on the minus sign beside your selected list name

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