Narrow searches using search criteria

Narrow searches using search criteria

Search criteria allow you add parameters to your search beyond the full text language.  These parameters include controls such as:  Searching by industry, by ticker symbol, by revenue range, etc.  Below are step by step instructions as well as a video to get you started with search criteria. 

Please also see our list off List of All Available Criteria to learn what each of them do.

Video: Using Search Criteria in Your Search 

To add search criteria to your search

  1. Click on the Add Criteria button  
  2. Break open nodes to see the search criteria available under each node
  3. Click on the plus sign to add criteria to search panel
  4. Once you’ve added the criteria you want you’ll see it display on your search panel as a small pill

To select values available in search criteria

  1. Click on the pill corresponding to that search criteria
  2. Either scroll or type ahead to find the value(s) you want to add to your search
  3. Add values to your search by clicking the plus sign beside them
    1. Selected values will be added to the items selected window
      1. If an added value displays with a light green arrow beside it in the items selected window – this indicates you’ve added a subcategory/sub-node of a category/node but have not added the entire category/node
      2. If an added value displays with a solid green arrow beside it in the items selected window – this indicates you’ve added the entire category/node, including all its subcategories/sub-nodes
  4. Repeat as many times as necessary to add all the values you need from that criteria
  5. Click outside the search criteria dialogue box to retain values of that criteria

Video: Searching for specific issuers

To search for issuers by name, ticker, or issuer number/CIK 

  1. Choose whether to search by Issuer Name, Ticker Symbol, or CIK/Issuer#
  2. Choose whether to match issuers based on their names, tickers, or issuer numbers "starting with" or "containing" the values you type in the next field
  3. Type the word(s) you're looking for in issuer name, or else the values you're looking for among ticker symbols, or else the numbers you're looking for in issuer numbers or CIK numbers 
  4. Search against previous names in situations where the issuer you're looking for has changed names
  5. Filter suggestions by issuer type: companies, funds, third parties, and insiders
  6. Filter suggestions by jurisdiction
  7. Hover over the "P" in order to see previous names the issuer filed under
  8. Search for a combination of issuers whose names start with certain words or phrases, issuers whose names contain certain words or phrases, specific named issuers, issuers specified by ticker symbol, and issuers specified by issuer profile number or CIK number - all in one search

To search against previous issuer names in Issuer Name criteria 

  1. Click into Issuer Name
  2. Check the  Search previous names checkbox
  3. Type a string of letters into the Enter text to filter field 
  4. Avantis will look for issuers that have the string of letters you typed in their issuer name today OR ELSE have, at some point in the past, filed under a previous issuer name that used to have that string of letters in the issuer name
  5. You may also hover over any "P" (see screenshot above)   you see in order to view the list of previous issuer names 

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