Setting up and managing alerts

Setting up and managing alerts

Avantis allows you to set up scheduled email alerts that are triggered when filings matching your search criteria are filed in the future.  This is a way of making sure that after you’ve seen what is already filed on a topic or subject matter, you can keep up to date with new filings of interest on a go-forward basis.  Below are step by step instructions as well as two videos to get you started with setting up and sharing alerts.  

Simplified Alert Set Up (scroll down for video help)

*NOTE:  Alerts cannot be set from the Issuer, Audit Fees, or Auditor Changes datasets at this time.  Alerts can be set from the Filings, Insider Transactions, and News datasets at this time

  1. Run the search you'd like to save as an alert
  2. Click save to save your search
  3. Name your search and click save
  4. Click the Alert bell icon to set up the alert
  5. Enable the alert
  6. Enable notifications
  7. Set a frequency
    1. If you are setting a daily or hourly alert, please put the time in HH:MM AM/PM format
    2. Immediate alerts are sent in real time
  8. Save your selections
  9. The alert bell beside your search name will be green, indicating your alerts are active

Detailed Alert Set Up (scroll down for video help)

*NOTE:  Alerts cannot be set from the Issuer, Audit Fees, or Auditor Changes datasets at this time.  Alerts can be set from the Filings, Insider Transactions, and News datasets at this time

Saved Searches Dropdown:

  1. Favourite your search - this places your search among your favourites at the top of the list of your saved searches in this module
  2. Set up alert - this allows you to set up an alert for yourself on this search
  3. Share search - this allows you to share your searches with other members (see Saving and Sharing Searches) as well as to set up alerts for them 
  4. Rename search - this allows you to rename your saved search
  5. Delete search - this allows you to delete your saved search

My Alert Settings Dialogue Box:

  1. Search name - this is the saved search you are currently setting up on an alert
  2. Enable alert - toggle this on to enable alerts on this saved search
  3. Note - write a note to help you or members you are sharing with remember details of this search
  4. Include note in email - check this box to include this note with alert results as they are sent via email
  5. Send notifications - toggle this on to receive email notifications (if this is toggled off alert results will accumulate in your Alerts Module but will not be emailed to you - see Managing Alerts in the Alerts Module for more details)
  6. Email frequency - set the schedule according to which you would like to receive alert results via email
  7. Tag - use identical tags to combine separate alerts into one email
  8. Show document preview - check this box to have your alerts sent out displaying the first few keywords in context or else the first few lines of text in the document 

Video: Setting Up Alerts - Setting and Receiving Alerts 

To set up an alert 

  1. You must first save your search before you can set up an alert on it (see Saving and Sharing Searches)
  2. Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Saved Search Name area as per the screenshot above 
  3. Locate the search in question
  4. Click on the bell icon in the Saved Searches Icons area beside the name of the search in question as per the screenshot above to launch the My Alert Settings dialogue box 

  1. Here are all the available in the My Alert Settings Dialogue Box  
    1. Search Name - ensure you are setting up an alert on the correct search by checking the Search Name
    2. Enable alert - in order to have this search begin collecting and retaining and/or emailing you new results
    3. Note - decide if you would like to add a note to this alert to remind you and any other recipients of pertinent details of this search
    4. Include in email - decide if you would like to include your note in the emails sent out from this alert (to you as well as to anyone you share this search with) or if you'd only like it to be viewable in the My Alert Settings Dialogue Box 
    5. Send Notifications - decide if you want email notifications to be sent to you for this search or if you just want to log in to see your alert results in the product
      1. If you want email notifications, enable them here
      2. If you don't want email updates on this alert, your results will still accumulate in your Alerts Module and will always remain accessible to you - you do not need to enable email alerts in order to collect and store new results to this search in your Alerts Module
    6. Email Frequency - If you are enabling email alerts, decide the email schedule here - they can be sent out in real time, daily, or weekly
    7. Tag - add a tag for your own organizational purposes or else to combine separate alerts into one notification
      1. If you set the same Tag and the same Notification Time (step 6) for more than one alert, the results of these separate alerts will be combined into the same email sent out at that time
        1. Grouping alerts via Tag and Notification Time may not work properly when alerts are set to be sent out "immediately" as they will not be delayed to compile into one email - this feature works best on daily and weekly alerts
    8. Show document preview in email - decide if you would like the document preview (first few hits of your keywords in context or else first few lines of text on the document) to be included for each document sent to you via alert
  2. Click Save
  3. The bell icon beside search in question is now green, indicating that it is set up on an alert and will begin collecting new results to your search (and emailing them to you if so directed)

To deactivate an alert

Deactivating an alert stops the alert from running (and stops you and other members from receiving notifications) but it does not delete notifications already received.
To delete notifications already received see Viewing, Downloading, and Deleting Results in Managing Alerts in the Alerts Module

There are two ways to deactivate alerts:
  1. From the Saved Searches area of your Filing Search
    1. Click into your Saved Searches dropdown arrow
    2. Click on the green alert bell beside the search in question
    3. The My Alert Settings dialogue box will open
    4. Toggle off the Enable alert setting (see screenshot of My Alert Settings dialogue box above)
  2. From the Alerts Module
    1. Click into your Alerts Module
    2. Click on the ellipsis at the far right of any row of any result associated with the alert you’d like to deactivate
    3. Choose Alert settings…
    4. The My Alert Settings dialogue box will open
    5. Turn off the Enable alert setting by using the slider beside it (see screenshot of My Alert Settings dialogue box above)
    6. For more on managing alerts in the Alerts Module please see Managing Alerts in the Alerts Module

Share Settings dialogue box:

  1. Search name - ensure you are sharing and setting alerts on the correct search
  2. My role - this lets you know whether you are the owner of the search or a viewer
    1. Owners can modify searches and share with other members
    2. Members can turn alerts on or off for themselves but cannot modify searches or share/unshare searches with other members 
  3. Select members to add - if you are the owner of the search and want to share it with other members, select them here
  4. Search - filters the list of shared members based on what is input into this field - helpful when there are long lists of shared members
  5. Global Alert icon - allows you to set identical alerts for multiple members at one time
  6. Global Remove icon - allows you to remove multiple members shared on a search at one time if you are the owner of that search
  7. Share Role - set the share role (owner or viewer) for members with whom you are sharing
    1. Setting another member to owner makes them a co-owner along with you and grants them equal privileges of modifying the search and sharing or unsharing with other members
  8. Member Alert Icons - indicates which members are shared on alerts (and receiving new results as they arrive) vs which members are simply shared on the search (and not receiving any new results unless they run the search manually)
  9. Remove - allows you to remove a member from the share on this search if you are an owner
  10. Suppress share email notification - if you check this box, when you click Save new members added or removed will NOT receive an email notification that they have been added or removed
    1. If you don't check this box, members added or removed WILL receive an email notification that they have been added or removed
    2. This is useful for admins who share many searches regularly and may want to set up all of a member's searches before notifying them one time instead of an email being sent for each search set up

Video: Setting Up Alerts - Setting Alerts for Your Teammates

Video: Setting Up Alerts - Using Tagging to Combine Multiple Alerts Into One Email Notification

To follow an alert email notification to the alert document

  1.  Open alert email you received
  2. Click on the hyperlinked title of the document to open the document in Avantis 
  3. Opening the document in Avantis allows you to:
    1. See highlighted terms
    2. Search for new language in the document
    3. Click into the Issuer profile to see anything else related to that issuer
    4. Change alert settings, share settings, etc..
  4. You may also opt to click on the View PDF only link in order to open the naked PDF in an online viewer
  5. View PDF only link allows you to share with individuals who don't have an Avantis license in a format that they can view, but it does not link to any of the rich Avantis features

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