Saving and sharing searches

Saving and sharing searches

Avantis features a rich saved search collection that can be accessed on the fly via the search panel.  The icons in the beside each saved search will tell you the current status (favourited, set up on an alert, shared) of each saved search.  Below are step by step instructions as well as two videos to get you started with saving and sharing searches.

Video:  Saving and Sharing Searches 

Saved Searches Dropdown:

  1. Save your search - this allows you save any your search criteria to be used again at a later date or to set an alert. You can also click "Save as" to save your criteria as a new search
  2. Favourite your search  - this places your search among your favourites at the top of the list of your saved searches in this module
  3. Set up alert  - this allows you to set up an alert for yourself on this search
  4. Share search  - this allows you to share your searches with other members  (see  Saving and Sharing Searches )  as well as to set up alerts for them 
  5. Rename search  - this allows you to rename your saved search
  6. Delete search  - this allows you to delete your saved search

To save your current search

1.      Click on the floppy disk icon in the Selected Search Icons area

2.      Name your search

3.      Your search will be named and selected in the Selected Search Name field

To rename a saved search

1.      Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Selected Search Name area

2.      Choose the correct search

3.      Your search will be selected in the Selected Search Name field

4.      Click on the pencil icon and rename your search

To retrieve a saved search

5.      Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Selected Search Name area

6.      Choose the correct search

7.      Your search will be selected in the Selected Search Name field

8.      You may edit the search and/or click the Search button to run it

To delete a saved search

1.      Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Selected Search Name area

2.      Choose the correct search

3.      Your search will be selected in the Selected Search Name field

4.      Click on the trash icon to delete the search

To edit a saved search

1.      Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Selected Search Name area

2.      Choose the search in question

3.      Your search will be selected in the Selected Search Name field

4.      Make any changes to search terms, connectors, or criteria you would like

5.      Click the Search button to run your search

6.      If you’d like to save this new version over the previous version, click on the floppy disk icon in the Selected Search Icons area

7.      If you’d like to give this new version a new name, click on the downward arrow beside the floppy disk icon in the Selected Search Icons area

8.      If you’ve accidentally overwritten a search you had run in the recent enough past, you can retrieve it from your History drop down (see How to Access Your Search History ) and resave it

To set a saved search as a favourite

1.      Click on the upward or downward arrow beside the search name in the Selected Search Name area

2.      Locate the correct search

3.      Click on the star icon in the saved searches icons area beside the name of the correct search

4.      The search will be pushed to the top of your list of saved searches with your other favourites, and placed in alphabetical order among them

To share a saved search

  1. Search name  - ensure you are sharing and setting alerts on the correct search
  2. My role  - this lets you know whether you are the owner of the search or a viewer
    1. Owners can modify searches and share with other members
    2. Members can turn alerts on or off for themselves but cannot modify searches or share/unshare searches with other members 
  3. Select members to add  - if you are the owner of the search and want to share it with other members, select them here
  4. Search  - filters the list of shared members based on what is input into this field - helpful when there are long lists of shared members
  5. Global Alert icon  - allows you to set identical alerts for multiple members at one time - see  Setting Up (and Deactivating) Alerts  for more information
  6. Global Remove icon  - allows you to remove multiple members shared on a search at one time if you are the owner of that search
  7. Share Role  - set the share role (owner or viewer) for members with whom you are sharing
    1. Setting another member to owner makes them a co-owner along with you and grants them equal privileges of modifying the search and sharing or unsharing with other members
  8. Member Alert Icons  - indicates which members are shared on alerts (and receiving new results as they arrive) vs which members are simply shared on the search (and not receiving any new results unless they run the search manually)  - see  Setting Up (and Deactivating) Alerts  for more information
  9. Remove  - allows you to remove a member from the share on this search if you are an owner
  10. Suppress share email notification  - if you check this box, when you click Save new members added or removed will NOT receive an email notification that they have been added or removed
    1. If you don't check this box, members added or removed WILL receive an email notification that they have been added or removed
    2. This is useful for admins who share many searches regularly and may want to set up all of a member's searches before notifying them one time instead of an email being sent for each search set up


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